Sunday, October 24, 2010

NFL-Baltimore Ravens

Since the Cleveland Browns are in the AFC North, I thought I could share some biblical insight for each team name…I will try not to be biased…especially for the Baltimore Raisins…oh sorry, Ravens. Must I remind you that this “raisins” team originally moved from Cleveland? Feel free to watch this three minute video

Ravens are very symbolic in the Bible. My pastor has a sermon about ravens and doves. . The raven is a scavenger and hunter.  Pretty much eats garbage. Maybe I should just stop there….

No, here is a verse that sheds a good light on life! Ponder on this verse today-Luke 12:24  "Think about the ravens. They don't plant or gather crops. They don't have any storerooms at all. But God feeds them. You are worth much more than birds!”

Are you worried about a job loss? Are your bills piling up? Is God who he says he is? Has he changed? You are worth much much more to God and if he is who he says he is, God will provide. It is hard, I know. Trust me at this point in my real estate career….I know. But, I have this opportunity to tell you that you are worthy and He is able. Trust him, easier said then done sometimes but that is the basis of our faith. Believe and do not doubt.

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