Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Matthew 5:41
Suppose someone forces you to go one mile. Go two miles with him.

Matthew 5:42
"Give to the one who asks you for something. Don't turn away from the one who wants to borrow something from you.

The patient is not moving. The wound is open and carefully the surgeon removes the broken heart and as he is nearly finished the patient’s nose glows red and the room explodes with a “BUZZ”!!! It is the sound no one wants to hear! Be glad it’s only the game of Operation! The surgeon is your dad! The patient, Cavity Sam, is just a piece of cardboard on top of a silly box with a current running through its metal parts. It is fun even though it is not very easy.

There are several internal ailments that may have to be removed to gain points to win the game. A broken heart (100 points), butterflies in the stomach (100 points), writer’s cramp (200 points) and bread basket (1000 points). When physical hurts are in a game it is fun. When they happen in real life it could be painful. If it happens to a friend or family member it could be scary.

Sometimes when a friend is going through a physical trial we don’t know what to do or what to say. We all know someone right now that does not feel good. Maybe they had surgery like Cavity Sam. Maybe they have lost a job and have become depressed. Perhaps they are involved with a divorce. Daily there are so many wounds to our soul.

Be an encourager today. You have probably thought about someone while reading this that could use some encouragement.

What can you do?
*Hand write a note. Send it in the mail…have we forgotten how to do that?
*Call them on the phone so they can hear your voice and you can hear theirs.
*Bring them a meal, bake some cookies, bring a bag of groceries
*Watch their children at your house so they can have an hour to do whatever they want
*Wash the car of an older adult
*Walk next door or down the street and mow someone’s grass

What can you say?
Psalm 86:5-The Lord is forgiving and good abounding in love
Psalm 100:5-The LORD is good and his love endures forever; He is faithful
Psalm 106:1-Give thanks to the LORD
James 4:10- The Lord will lift you up.
Matthew 5:4-God will comfort you.
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In my Chutes and Ladders post, I got a comment from a friend that she did not know the game and would not purchase it for her children when they were small because she thought there were a lot of parts. So, in case there are followers that are not familiar with How to Play Operation, Here are the rules copied from Wikipedia-
In "Operation" there are two sets of cards: Doctor and Specialist cards. The Specialist cards are dealt out evenly amongst the players at the beginning of the game.
Players take turns to pick Doctor cards, which offer a cash payment for removing a particular ailment, using a pair of tweezers connected with wire to the board. If a player successfully removes the ailment they collect the amount shown on their card. However, if the tweezers touch the metal edge of the opening during the attempt (closing the circuit), a buzzer sounds, the patient's nose lights up red, and the player loses their turn. The player holding the Specialist card for that piece then has a try, getting double the fee if they succeed. Since there are times when the player drawing a certain Doctor card also holds the matching Specialist card, s/he can be tempted to purposely botch the first attempt, in order to succeed on the second try, for double value.
The winner is the player with the most money after all the pieces have been extracted.
The game can be difficult, due to the shapes of the plastic ailments, and the fact the openings are scarcely larger than the ailments themselves.

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