Monday, October 11, 2010

Mr Potato Head

Mr Potato Head
Proverbs 15:13
A happy heart makes a face look cheerful. But a sad heart produces a broken spirit.

“The eyes are the mirror of the soul” is a famous saying. If you are really interested in how someone is feeling you will be able to see in their eyes whether they are excited, fearful, sad or happy. By looking at someone’s eyes you can really see what they are feeling. Sometimes they say they are ok but you see in their facial expression that they are not ok. Sometimes friends want to hold you in suspense by holding back the excitement inside of them but you can tell by their expression that they are not telling you some good information.

God created us emotional creatures. We feel sadness, joy, excitement and embarrassment. He knows what we are feeling even when we try to hide it. Sometimes we try to hide it from those around us but if we are around those who know us well, it is pretty hard to hide our feelings.

Think about Mr. Potato Head. He surely can not hide his feelings. When you take his mouth and put it in as a smile, he looks happy. When you take the mouth and put it in upside down, it creates a frown and he looks sad. Be aware of people’s eyes and facial expressions. Sometimes they may be telling you something without even using words.

When you feel down remember that God is always with you and He is available to you. Call to Him. Share your feelings and thoughts with Him. After all, like Mr. Potato Head, we can not hide our feelings from God. He already knows what we are thinking. He also has the answers to all of our fears. He has the words to comfort our hurts and He has the knowledge to encourage us when we are going strong. God is our all in all!

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